Our 10th Birthday Stories
Helen Evans

As we approach our 10th Birthday, we want to celebrate by sharing a collection of extraordinary stories that showcase the profound impact our brand has had on our Ambassadors, Team, and cherished Customers.

Meet Helen...

Meet Helen, a kind and caring 67-year-old who has been part of the Look Fabulous Forever community for five fabulous years. When she's not looking after her adored grandsons, Helen finds joy in her Pilates classes, tending to her garden, and pursuing her love for flowers.


Helen's giving nature extends beyond her personal life, as she volunteers at Painshill Park, an exquisite 18th-century landscape park known for its association with the popular Bridgerton series. Whether welcoming visitors at the centre or driving the buggy for film crews and bridal parties, Helen can be found lending a helping hand and making sure everyone feels special.

Helen's Journey with Look Fabulous Forever...

Helen's journey with Look Fabulous Forever began six years ago when she discovered our brand and fell in love with our approach to beauty. In April 2022, she had the incredible opportunity to visit our London offices for a makeover as part of our dilemmas series, where the talented Sally worked her magic. The resulting 'Makeover for Women With Sparse or No Eyebrows' video became a sensation, showcasing the transformative power of our Bring Back Brow Shape.

Inspired by her experience, Helen decided to take her involvement with Look Fabulous Forever to the next level. In October 2022, she applied to become an ambassador, and we were thrilled to welcome her into our team. Helen's passion for the brand's approach to beauty runs deep, and she treasures the online video tutorials created by everyday women, which resonate with her and women like her on a heartfelt level.


Helen, as an ambassador, truly exemplifies the spirit of embracing beauty at any age, serving as a shining example of how true inspiration stems from the relatable and extraordinary women among us. She deeply appreciates Look Fabulous Forever's dedication to formulating products specifically for mature women, taking into account the unique changes that occur in their skin over time.

In Helen, we find an exceptional ambassador whose unwavering passion, vibrant spirit, and deep appreciation for Look Fabulous Forever's mission have made her an invaluable asset to our team. We are honoured to have Helen as part of our Look Fabulous Forever family, and her journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for women around the world.


How have Look Fabulous Forever products or the community influenced your confidence and self-esteem?


"The LFF products have transformed my approach to makeup. I feel confident that the products suit my mature skin, they are easy to apply and enhance my look"


In what ways has Look Fabulous Forever changed your approach to beauty and makeup?


"I now wear makeup nearly every day, and I use more products than ever before"


Which Look Fabulous Forever product do you find the most effective or transformative?


"It is hard to single out one product as it is the combination that leads to the overall effect. However, I think, probably, the foundation is the most effective: it covers imperfections, age spots and discolouration to give a smooth, even tone upon which to apply everything else"


Have you received any compliments or feedback from others since using Look Fabulous Forever products?


"Whilst wearing LFF makeup, I am often complimented on how well I look, and even that I look beautiful! This is really affirming and a confidence boost"


Do you enjoy experimenting with different makeup looks?


"I have begun to really enjoy experimenting with new colours and combinations of eyeshadows. I do try new, different lipsticks though I’m not always brave enough to wear the more vibrant colours. I know fuchsia should suit me, being cool toned, but I’m still finding it ‘too much’ (sorry Tricia, I know it’s one of your favourites). Sally recommends persevering with a new colour: as it becomes more familiar, it becomes more ‘wearable’. Who knows, perhaps you’ll see me wearing fuchsia in a future video!"


Have you attended any Look Fabulous Forever live events?


"I was so lucky to be chosen for a makeover dilemma in April 2022 (sparse eyebrows).  At the time of the competition, I was prostrate with Covid and sent in an awful photo of myself. I couldn’t believe that I had been chosen! My trip up to London was so exciting. It was wonderful to have Sally work her magic on me, and to meet some of the LFF team: it’s a day I shall never forget"


How have the Look Fabulous Forever video tutorials helped you?


"The LFF videos are amazing! There is probably one on every product and how to apply it. It is so lovely to see real women of a mature age demonstrating the products. This makes the effects and finished results inspirational, yes, but more importantly, achievable"


How has Look Fabulous Forever helped you navigate and overcome any challenges or insecurities related to ageing or beauty standards?


"With age, my facial features have softened and sagged, my skin tone has developed discolouration and faded. LFF products suit my dry skin, they are easy to apply and long lasting. They restore the colour and ‘bloom’ to my face so that I look the best I can be. 

My darling husband died just before lockdown in 2020 and I find life on my own very hard but I know that with my LFF makeup on I project a confidence so that my lovely daughters aren’t quite as worried about me as they might be"


Have you recommended Look Fabulous Forever to friends or family members? If so, what was their reaction or experience?


"Somehow it came up in my Pilates class that I was an ambassador and made videos and one of the men in the class said, “It certainly works!”"


How and when did you become a Super Trooper?


"I became a member of TST’s as soon as it was created. Tricia’s daily teatime videos during lockdown were something to look forward to. Who can forget Tricia bravely trying to cut her hair, or the wig?! The chat about ordinary everyday things was just what was needed at a time that was most definitely not ordinary. 

In more recent times it has been wonderful to meet other Super Troopers in reality as opposed to virtually. The Surrey group has grown and grown and there are more than 30 of us now in regular contact meeting up for coffee or lunch. This has been such a positive experience for me as being a ‘ladies only’ group, the absence of my husband isn’t relevant or something I have to explain"


What do you find most fulfilling about being a part of the Look Fabulous Forever community?


"Becoming an ambassador for LFF is so fulfilling. It has really taken me out of my comfort zone. It has given me something to aim for each month as my assignment is sent to me. When I look back at my first video I can see my hand shaking with nerves and I was so anxious that I hardly smiled! I am still amazed that I was chosen, and that fellow Super Troopers seem to enjoy my efforts: this has really given me self-confidence. I have always been shy and relied on my husband to be by my side, but I am learning that people can like me for myself and I have something to offer"


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10th Birthday Stories: Marion Rapson

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